Saturday, December 14, 2019

What is in the Prepper Map?

The Prepper Map is a collection of vetted data layers supplied by Open Data providers around the United States of America. The goal of this application is to provide you with information that will be helpful prior to, and during an emergency. The goal of most users will be to print a map of their Area of Interest (AOI), store it in their emergency kit and hopefully never have to use it again. If it ever is needed the map application or the printed maps can provide excellent awareness. Data layers are grouped by Category for ease of use. Those categories are as follows...

Hazard: These layers are added to the map to indicate possible threats to safety and well being. In most circumstances these data represent potential threats due to the potential for failure or contamination.
Refuge: These layers are places that can provide refuge of certain types
Comms: Communication related objects and places that may assist in locating information
ROL: Rule Of Law related places that may impact where you wish to travel
Bug Out: Locations that can assist in bug out planning
Military: Areas of Military Presence
Infrastructure: Critical Infrastructure that can assist in situational awareness
Choke Point: Locations that can present a problem during an evacuation by limiting traffic flow
Supplies: Locations where preppers can locate supplies
Physical: Physical environment locations and features of interest to preppers
Health: Locations where Health related needs may be able to be met
Boundaries: Political or Urban boundaries for situational awareness
Weather: Current Weather Conditions via nexrad radar

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